
“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!

Welcome to聽


Proud to be Wickersley.

Welcome from the Headteacher

58影视 is an 11-18 school with聽2060 students on roll, including 330 in our oversubscribed sixth form. We consider ourselves to be a genuine comprehensive school, catering for students of a wide range of abilities, needs, aspirations and backgrounds. The school is part of Wickersley Partnership Trust (58影视), a family of like-minded secondary and primary schools.

At 58影视, we want all students to leave聽able and qualified to play their full part in the world. This means that we want each student to start their lives equipped with not only the qualifications, in terms of GCSE grades, but also the skills and attributes that they will need in order to deal with the challenges of life beyond their time at school…

Latest News


Y7 Cricket Success!

Our Y7 boys cricket team were successful against Hymers College (Hull) in the Yorkshire cup quarter-finals this week! They will

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